Our vision
We are here to represent Jesus to the people around us, and represent our community back to God. We believe that, as we live the life of Jesus among the people around us, there is grace and goodness from God for all. And as we bring ourselves and our world to God through prayer and worship then we can see a little bit of heaven come to earth.

Why CBC?
We are an all age Congregation and we value being a Church where people of all ages attend and have a place. On Sundays you have your choice of sitting on a pew or at a table. Tea and coffee is available both before and after the Service.
Our Service is a mix of contemporary music, reflective prayer, and opportunities to contribute your own thoughts and viewpoints during the sermon time. Of course, there’s no pressure to say or do anything when you join with us; you are welcome to sit, listen, and reflect. We desire to be a healthy church culture where all attendees feel heard and valued and given space to connect with God and with each other.